Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lunch and E-Mail

From Shiangtai, a member of the chorus


Because of my e-mail problems, my last posted blog was about an event a few days earlier. This one is about the day after that, not today when we had an afternoon rehearsal.

With a score in front of me under my nose as I described before, it is easy to miss a lunch. I did that again. Luckily, later, in the afternoon while I was at Costco I found out they had food demonstrations every day. You know, we smugglers of the 1830's Seville could always find some solutions to our daily nutritional problems, even in 2000's Durham. We know our history (see Eric's posting) and we always act our parts wherever we go, any time of the day. I walked up and down the isle visiting their demonstration stands and had enough to make up for the lunch I skipped. That in turn reminded me that the day before I worked too long on the kitchen sink and missed a luncheon with some friends. What's that to do with the opera? Yes, a lot. Among that group of friends, many are music lovers. I simply missed the chance to tell them how wonderful our Carmen production would be. Well, I just have to tell them by e-mail.

That's right, I am collecting a whole bunch of names and e-mail addresses of my friends and I will write a message to rave about, I mean, to tell them truthfully about this production of Carmen. I will then send the message to all of them by putting all their names in the "Cc" field in the e-mail header. No, that is not right. Many of my friends do not know each other. Privacy is a very important issue to many people nowadays. They do not want their names and addresses show up on some strangers' computers. Moi aussi, me too. One thing I hate is for my name to be mixed with a whole bunch of strangers going to some strange places. "Sul la place, chacum passe ..." So, I will put their names in the "Bcc" field in the header.

Mes amis, my friends!! I know you are very excited about this opera (and about this Opera Blog, of course). Write to your friends about it. If you hate to send the same message many times over, put all your friends names and addresses on the same message but don't forget to use "Bcc"! "Toreador, en garde! Et songe en combattant, oui, et songe que l'amour t'attent." (Toreador, be careful! Concentrate on the fight and, yes, think of the love that awaits.) Yes, my score awaits. I have spent too much time writing these blogs. Time to go back to my score. Ciao.

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